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Preparing for the "Break"

This week in ISM, I continued to work on arranging the facial features on my Mery rig in preparation for the display of nine expressions as a part of my original work. So far I have five emotions done, but when I reopen them sometimes I notice that there are some things that need to be fixed: things like eyebrows being too high, the mouth is too open, the upper teeth are showing too much, etc. I am planning on recording the dialogue audio with Zita on Monday, Dec. 18 or Tuesday, Dec. 19 so that I can spend the whole Christmas break working on my piece. Also, I am currently communicating with Mr. Vallone so that we can set up some time to meet in person, perhaps on Friday, Dec. 15. I need to ask him some questions about how to go about implementing the audio into Maya, or if that is even required. I assume there is a process that has to do with the timing of the audio and the animation, but the audio may not be matched up with the exported animation until I put them both in After Effects or some other software of the sort. In any case, I need Mr. Vallone’s advice on where to start in order to keep the process as simple as possible.

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